The Past..
All churches have a unique journey regarding their formation (planting, growth, and establishment), and Life Point is no different. The church formerly known as "Abundant Life Church" was started as a home bible study around 1987 and came to a close in 2012 after a pastoral transition. The remaining members wanted to see God's work revived, and asked Nathan and Michelle Robinson to come lead and replant the church. This process included establishing Hillsborough Christian Academy, selling the front portion of the former church building property, and re-establishing the church's identity as an elder-led spiritual church family named "Life Point Church of Hillsborough".
The leadership of LPC has been attentive to prophetic words given regarding why LPC has been planted in this community. We see that a church is a "lampstand" in a community, assigned a certain place to light in a particular manner, in order for God's purposes to be fulfilled through our presence in Orange County. Some of these words have included:
In June 2020, Nathan sensed that the church was re-established and that another leader was needed for the next season. Through prophetic and apostolic input, and corporate church prayers, Bryan and Nicole Finley were identified who were friends and ministry partners of Nathan & Michelle. Bryan and Nicole served as lead elder couple of LPC until January 2024, when they felt compelled by God to launch out and start a ministry to bring God's love to people who have disconnected from the local church and deconstructed their faith.
The leadership of LPC has been attentive to prophetic words given regarding why LPC has been planted in this community. We see that a church is a "lampstand" in a community, assigned a certain place to light in a particular manner, in order for God's purposes to be fulfilled through our presence in Orange County. Some of these words have included:
- Being a touchpoint of God's presence and healing to people
- Receiving, equipping and sending people out - much like a gas filling station.
In June 2020, Nathan sensed that the church was re-established and that another leader was needed for the next season. Through prophetic and apostolic input, and corporate church prayers, Bryan and Nicole Finley were identified who were friends and ministry partners of Nathan & Michelle. Bryan and Nicole served as lead elder couple of LPC until January 2024, when they felt compelled by God to launch out and start a ministry to bring God's love to people who have disconnected from the local church and deconstructed their faith.
The Present...
We fully own an 8-acre parcel of land, including a former food ministry storage building, and the adjacent school building that we have allowed Hillsborough Christian Academy to freely utilize since its inception in 2011.
During the national quarantine, Life Point's worship service location was required to relocate from a rented County facility in downtown Hillsborough. Therefore, to be good stewards of the property that we already own, we chose to remodel the existing building facility to accommodate our Sunday worship gatherings. This arrangement works for now as we are growing, since we retain access to the other school buildings on our property for kids and youth ministries.
During the national quarantine, Life Point's worship service location was required to relocate from a rented County facility in downtown Hillsborough. Therefore, to be good stewards of the property that we already own, we chose to remodel the existing building facility to accommodate our Sunday worship gatherings. This arrangement works for now as we are growing, since we retain access to the other school buildings on our property for kids and youth ministries.
The Future...
The elder team is now being led again by Nathan and Michelle Robinson, with strong young leaders who are apart of the extended leadership team. We strongly believe in the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for individuals and whole communities. This means that we believe we are God's instrument of bringing kingdom transformation to homes, neighborhoods and cities. Pictured above is our newly remodeled interior space where we equip people every Sunday with the mindsets, beliefs and skills to continue the mission of Jesus!
The elder team believes in that God is constantly moving, and that Life Point's purpose includes welcoming new people to enter LPC, equipping them to live in the presence of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit, and freely releasing people as they are called by God and set apart for God's greater purposes than our local existence.
The elder team believes in that God is constantly moving, and that Life Point's purpose includes welcoming new people to enter LPC, equipping them to live in the presence of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit, and freely releasing people as they are called by God and set apart for God's greater purposes than our local existence.
Be a part of our story...
Join us Sundays at 10am.
LifePoint is located on the same property as Hillsborough Christian Academy. Upon arrival, go past the school, following red road signs that read "LifePoint Church". They will lead to a metal building directly behind the school.
LifePoint is located on the same property as Hillsborough Christian Academy. Upon arrival, go past the school, following red road signs that read "LifePoint Church". They will lead to a metal building directly behind the school.